I Love Library Databases

This space is for me to participate in PLCMC's Learning 2.0 program.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wikis vs. Message Boards

While the old school librarian in me bristles at content being propagated online that is not authorative, I have found Wikipedia to be a great source to at least get me started for subjects I know nothing about.

My husband talks about finding obscure, yet interesting facts in Wikipedia about his favorite childhood cartoons, comics, toys, and shows. I know a huge amount of content is there that I may have trouble finding fast in traditional print resources.

And of course the better Wikipedia articles include some bibliographic citations.

Someone cited my websites on using a lucet in the external links part of that record.

I have even set up my own Wikipedia account and added content, both editing an entry and adding further content.

For collaboration, I can see Wikis as a good tool to manage a knowledge database. If I was going to make a Wiki, the topic would be on knitting patterns. It seems like almost all knitting patterns published today have errors. I would like to be able to search for a particular pattern, and see reviews of the pattern and corrections to known errors.

I know of a message board on Knitters Review that should fulfill my desire to find out about pattern errors and corrections. I have been trying to compare and contrast its Message Board with the Wiki model, and I think I probably prefer the Wiki model for its clarity and ease of use.


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