I Love Library Databases

This space is for me to participate in PLCMC's Learning 2.0 program.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Getting off the ground with Del.ici.ous

I started picking up speed...I am also getting better at changing my Blogger template, because I've tried to take more of a "what's the worse that can happen" attitude to my Learning 2.0 blog.

I have been thinking about why I am having trouble getting my mind around Del.ici.ous. I understand its social networking and tagging features, but because I have not had my own desktop at work (about 15 staff members share roughly 4 PCs), I got out of the habit of using personal bookmarks. Instead I rely on websites like PLCMC's Online Resources and Bizlink for my starting off point to accessing information. I also tend to email websites to myself, and bookmark them at home.

Am I recreating the wheel each time I search, instead of bookmarking? In an information universe where the only certainty is change, and information self-life tends to be very short, I think not. On the other hand, though, I am intrigued by the possibility of using Del.ici.ous as an alternative information gathering/sharing tool.


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